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West Virginia Breast and Cervical

Cancer Screening Program



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Say YES to Safe Sleep For Grandbabies


WVBCCSP Policies and Procedures Manual - The manual defines the WVBCCSP standardized guidelines for screening Program eligible participants. It serves as an operational reference for clinics participating in the Program.


WVBCCSP Referral Provider Manual -The manual defines the WVBCCSP standardized reimbursement guidelines for contracted referral providers. Services provided by referral providers include mammography, breast ultrasound, breast surgeon consultation visits, fine needle aspirtation, breast biopsy, and colposcopy. Reimbursable cervical diagnostic and treatment services through the WV Diagnostic and Treatment Fund are also defined, as well as eligibility guideline iinformation on the Medicaid Treatment Act which covers breast and cervical cancer treatment for women who qualify.


The Provider Press  - The WVBCCSP provides a quarterly newsletter, the Provider Press, for screening providers.  The newsletter includes Program updates, education information and announcements.

Volume 8, Issue 2 - Winter 2011

Volume 9, Issue 1 - Winter 2011
Volume 9, Issue 2 - Spring 2012

Volume 9, Issue 3 - Summer 2012

Volume 10, Issue 1 - Fall 2012 - Part 1

Volume 10, Issue 1 - Fall 2012 - Part 2

Volume 10, Issue 2 - Spring 2013

Volume 10, Issue 1 - Summer 2013  

Volume 11, Issue 1 - Fall 2013 - Part 1

Volume 11, Issue 1 - Fall 2013 - Part 2

Volume 11, Issue 2 - Spring 2014 

Volume 11, Issue 3 - Summer 2014   

Volume 12, Issue 1 - Fall 2014 - Part 1

Volume 12, Issue 1 - Fall 2014 - Part 2

Volume 12, Issue 3 - Summer 2015

Volume 13, Issue 1 - Winter 2015
Volume 13, Issue 2 - Spring 2016
Volume 14, Issue 1 - Fall 2016
Volume 14, Issue 2 - Spring 2017
Volume 15, Issue 1 - Winter 2017
Volume 1, Issue 1 - Spring 2018
Volume 1, Issue 2 - Summer 2018

Annual Report (2011-2012) - This Annual Report summarizes performance and successes by WVBCCSP between 2011-2012.

Annual Report (2010-2011) - This Annual Report summarizes performance and successes by WVBCCSP between 2010-2011.


Annual Report (2009-2010) - This Annual Report summarizes performance and successes by WVBCCSP between 2009-2010.



Fact Sheet - The fact sheet shows the burdens of breast and cervical cancer and what WVBCCSP is doing to combat the problem.


Assessing Awareness and Knowledge of Breast and Cervical Cancer Among Appalachian Women - This qualitative study was used to determine factors that would motivate women in West Virginia to be screened regularly for breast and cervical cancer and evaluates the educational materials used by the Program and their effectiveness.


You’re Worth It...Brochure - This brochure contains an overview of our Program guidelines and eligibility.


Volunteer Newsletters - The Volunteer Newsletter highlights outreach activities including Walks for Women, Quilts of Hope, health fairs, free screening clinics, awareness luncheons and survivor events and stresses the importance of early detection.


Newsletter 14 - Volume 14, Issue 2 - Summer 2016 

Newsletter 11 - Volume 11, Issue 2 - Spring 2013 

Newsletter 12 - Volume 12, Issue 1 - Winter 2013   

Newsletter 12 - Volume 12, Issue 2 - Summer 2014 

Newsletter 13 - Volume 13, Issue 1 - Winter 2014   
Newsletter 13 - Volume 13, Issue 2 - Summer 2015 
Newsletter 13 - Volume 14, Issue 1 - Winter 2015  
Newsletter 15 - Volume 14, Issue 1 - Winter 2016
Newsletter 15 - Volume 15, Issue 2 - Summer 2017   
Newsletter 15 - Volume 16, Issue 1 - Winter 2017 



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West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program,  350 Capitol St. Room 427,  Charleston, WV 25301

304.558.5388 or 1.800.642.8522