SELF-PACED ORIENTATION TRAININGIf you are a licensed professional, service provider, or have an interest in working as a service coordinator with WVBTT, the WVBTT Orientation training is now available on-line. Orientation is a required training for all new practitioners and service coordinators who have an interest in enrolling into the WVBTT system. Click here to learn more and to self-register for the training. WV Birth to Three Practitioners and Service Coordinators Private social media page for actively enrolled practitioners and service coordinators. The page is used as a tool to communicate information to the field on WV Birth to Three policy, procedures, special trainings and activities, the WV Department of Health, and information that is pertinent to early childhood intervention in West Viriginia and from verified early intervention websites.
------------------------------------- STATEWIDE EMAIL UPDATE!!
WV Birth to Three |
Telephone: (304) 558-5388 |
CDC - Learn the Signs - Act Early
Help protect your infant's eyes with a no-cost eye assessment! |