The Burden of OSTEOPOROSIS in West Virginia

Exec. Sum.
Risk Factors
Prevention and Treatment
WV Prevalence
NOF Prevalence
Fractures Model
WV and US
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis Among West Virginians

National Osteoporosis Foundation Prevalence Estimates
State Burden of Fractures Model

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis Among West Virgnians

Age, sex, and race all play a major role in the development of osteoporosis, with older white women the group at greatest risk for the disease. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, West Virginia's population has the highest median age in the nation, 37.7, exceeding even that of Florida (37.6). Hobbs reports in 65+ in the United States that West Virginia ranks fourth in the nation in the proportion of its population that is elderly (9). Women compose a larger percentage of the population in West Virginia than in the nation as a whole: the state's population is 53.1% female, compared to 51.3% in the total U.S. The Mountain State has a small minority population, with 96.2% of the population classified as white, 3.1% as African American, and 0.7% as another race.

Provisional data from the 1997 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), a telephone survey of West Virginians aged 18 and older that monitors health behaviors, provided information on the prevalence of eight additional risk factors for osteoporosis: bone structure/body weight, menopause, heredity, thyroid or cortisone-like medications, consumption of dairy products, cigarette smoking, physical inactivity, and alcohol misuse. The table below presents these findings.


West Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System,* 1997**

Risk Factor Male Female Total
Small, thin body frame 18.6% 36.2% 27.9%
Family history of osteoporosis 4.5% 16.2% 10.7%
Menopause (decreased estrogen levels)   45.2% 45.2%
Thyroid medication, steroids, or treatment for cancer 11.0% 22.9% 17.3%
Consumption of fewer than three servings of diary products per day 83.0% 83.7% 83.4%
Current cigarette smoking 27.4% 28.7% 28.1%
Sedentary lifestyle 62.0% 68.1% 65.7%
Consumption of 60 or more alcoholic drinks per month 4.4% 0.6% 2.4%
* See Appendix A for BRFSS description and methodology. **Provisional data.

Graph of percentage of women at risk for osteoporosis due to menopause and additional riak factors.

Further analysis of the provisional 1997 BRFSS data revealed that 7.0% of women surveyed reported having a small, thin frame and a family history of osteoporosis. Over one-fifth (22.6%) of women who had a family history of osteoporosis also reported being cigarette smokers, while 67.8% had a sedentary lifestyle. Among women who had gone through menopause, 23.5% smoked, 70.3% were sedentary, 90.0% consumed fewer than three servings of dairy products per day, and 19.0% had a family history of osteoporosis. Those respondents who reported more than one risk factor for osteoporosis have an increased likelihood of developing the disease.

The chart above depicts the percentage of women in West Virginia who have gone through menopause (the leading cause of osteoporosis) and have reported other risk factors as well. As shown, nearly nine out of every ten women (87.7%) in this group reported having three or more risk factors for osteoporosis. The table on the following two pages lists the combinations of multiple risk factors reported by these women during the 1997 BRFSS survey (January - October data).

West Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Survey, 1997*

Risk Factor(s) Contributing to Osteoporosis %
Menopause Only 0.5
Two Risk Factors 11.8
Menopause, <3 servings of dairy per day (<3 dairy) 8.4
Menopause, sedentary lifestyle 1.9
Menopause, smoking 0.2
Menopause, thyroid medication, steroids, or chemotherapy (medications) 0.2
Menopause, family history of osteoporosis (FH) 0.2
Menopause, small, thin frame (STF) 0.9
Three Risk Factors 31.0
Menopause, <3 dairy, sedentary lifestyle 15.0
Menopause, <3 dairy, smoking 2.1
Menopause, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 0.5
Menopause, medications, <3 dairy 4.4
Menopause, medications, sedentary lifestyle 1.0
Menopause, FH, <3 dairy 0.7
Menopause, FH, sedentary lifestyle 0.3
Menopause, FH, medications 0.3
Menopause, STF, <3 dairy 4.5
Menopause, STF, sedentary lifestyle 1.5
Menopause, STF, smoking 0.3
Menopause, STF, medications 0.2
Menopause, STF, FH 0.2
Four Risk Factors 32.2
Menopause, <3 dairy, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 3.9
Menopause, medications, <3 dairy, sedentary lifestyle 8.5
Menopause, medications, <3 dairy, smoking 0.7
Menopause, medications, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 0.3
Menopause, FH, <3 dairy, sedentary lifestyle 1.7
Menopause, FH, <3 dairy, smoking 0.2
Menopause, FH, smoking, sedentary lifestyle. 0.2
Menopause, FH, medications, <3 dairy 0.5
Menopause, STF, <3 dairy, sedentary lifestyle 10.9
Five Risk Factors 18.9
Menopause, medications, <3 dairy, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 2.0
Menopause, FH, <3 dairy, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 0.8
Menopause, FH, medications, <3 dairy, smoking 0.2
Menopause, FH, medications, <3 dairy, sedentary lifestyle 3.1
Menopause, STF, <3 dairy, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 3.5
Menopause, STF, medications, <3 dairy, sedentary lifestyle 4.8
Menopause, STF, medications, <3 dairy, smoking 0.2
Menopause, STF, FH, <3 dairy, sedentary lifestyle 2.1
Menopause, STF, FH, <3 dairy, smoking 0.7
Menopause, STF, FH, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 0.2
Menopause, STF, FH, medications, <3 dairy 1.0
Menopause, STF, FH, medications, sedentary lifestyle 0.3
Six Risk Factors 4.8
Menopause, FH, medications, <3 dairy, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 0.2
Menopause, STF, medications, <3 dairy, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 0.8
Menopause, STF, FH, <3 dairy, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 1.0
Menopause, STF, FH, medications, <3 dairy, sedentary lifestyle 2.4
Menopause, STF, FH, medications, <3 dairy, smoking 0.2
Menopause, STF, FH, medications, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 0.2
Seven Risk Factors 1.0
Menopause, STF, FH, medications, <3 dairy, smoking, sedentary lifestyle 1.0
* January-October 1997 (Provisional Data)

Continue chapter with National Osteoporosis Foundation Prevalence Estimates.

Health Statistics Center (HSC)
Office of Epidemiology and Health Promotion (OEHP)
Bureau for Public Health (BPH)
Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR)
State of West Virginia (WV)

This page was last updated 03/28/02.
If you have questions or comments about the contents of this web page, please address them to dhhrvitalreg@wv.gov