An Instructional Program For Adolescent Activities

How to Recognize and Stop Sexual Harassment


Sexual Harassment vs. Flirting
Brainstorming Activity


1. Sexually Harassing Behaviors

2. Flirting Behaviors

3. Sexual Harassment Feels:

4. Flirting Feels:

5. Effects of Sexual Harassment

6. Effects of Flirting


1. Explain to the students that they will be doing an activity that examines the differences between flirting and sexual harassment. For the purpose of this activity, flirting is to be considered essentially positive and fun, while sexual harassment is considered negative and harmful.

2. Divide the class into 6 groups. Give each group a piece of newsprint and instruct them that they will have about 7 minutes to brainstorm whatever list they are given. All ideas are acceptable.

3. Collect the lists. Post "Sexually Harassing Behaviors" and "Flirting Behaviors" together on the board. Ask group members to read their lists. Discuss in large group.

4. Post "Sexual Harassment Feels" and "Flirting Feels" together on the board. Ask group members to read their lists. Discuss.

5. Post "Effects of Sexual Harassment" and "Effects of Flirting". Ask group members to read their lists. Discuss.

Discussion Questions:

What are the similarities and differences in each pair of lists?

What do you think is the major difference between sexual harassment and flirting?

Can a situation start out as flirting and then turn into sexual harassment? How?

In what ways can a person assume power over another person?

Points to Clarify:

This activity was developed by and reprinted with permission from The Center for Family Life Education - PPGNNJ,Copyright 1993