The Office of Inspector General, by impartial evaluation, investigation and reporting, seeks to ensure the
integrity of department programs and operations including the fair, accurate and nondiscriminatory
delivery of benefits and services to qualified state residents.

Welcome from Office of Inspector General

Thank you for visiting our web page. The Office of Inspector General works to combat and eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse from both within and outside the Department of Health, Department of Human Services, and Department of Health Facilities. We have a statewide team of investigators, reviewers, surveyors, ombudsman, and hearing officers who work tirelessly to ensure the Office of Inspector General succeeds in protecting vulnerable residents as well as the integrity of Department programs and services.

If you see or suspect any activity involving fraud, waste, or abuse of the Department's programs, please contact us by phone, email, or through the links on this page.

Offices within the Office of Inspector General

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) provides autonomous, independent, and neutral oversight of the Department of Health, Department of Human Services, and Department of Health Facilities programs and operations through nine distinct offices.

Board of Review (BOR)

The mission of the Board of Review (BOR) is to preserve the integrity of Department programs by providing due process to appellants through impartial hearings and timely decisions.

Foster Care Ombudsman (FCO)

The Independent Foster Care Ombudsman shall advocate for the rights of foster children and foster parents and work closely with all involved parties.

Human Rights Commission (HRC)

The West Virginia Human Rights Commission will encourage and endeavor to bring about respect, tolerance, and mutual understanding among all citizens of West Virginia regardless of their race, gender, religious persuasion, ethnicity, or disability. The Commission will administer and ensure adherence to, through education, investigation, mediation, and adjudication, the Human Rights Act which prohibits discrimination in employment, housing, and places of public accommodation.

Investigations and Fraud Management (IFM)

The Investigations and Fraud Management (IFM) unit has the responsibility for conducting investigations of internal matters at the direction of the Inspector General and for conducting investigations of suspected fraud and abuse within the programs the Department administers.

Mental Health Ombudsman (MHO)

The Office of the Mental Health Ombudsman helps promote and protect the health, well-being, and rights of consumers in Mental Health Facilities, State Hospitals, or Behavioral Health Programs in the state of West Virginia.

Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification (OHFLAC)

The Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification (OHFLAC) has the mission to shape healthy environments for clients, patients and residents within health care facilities by promoting the quality services and high standards of care that exist when facilities are in compliance with state licensure rules and federal certification regulations.

Olmstead Office

The mission of the Olmstead Council is to develop and monitor the implementation of a plan that will promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities to live, learn, work, and participate in the community of their choice through West Virginia’s compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Quality Control (QC)

The mission of Quality Control (QC) is to assure the integrity of departmental programs through impartial evaluation of program benefit determinations.

WV Clearance for Access: Registry and Employment Screening (WV CARES)

Conducts efficient, effective, and economical background checks and variance reviews on all prospective direct access employees, independent contractors, and volunteers of providers and facilities.

Important OIG Links

Interim Inspector General

Ann Urling

Director of Operations

Shannon Wallace

Director of Finance


General Counsel

Jessica Whitmore

Assistant General Counsel


Administrative Services Assistant I


Contact Information:

State Capitol Complex

Building 6, Room 817-B

Charleston, WV 25305

Phone: (304) 558-2278

Fax: (304) 558-1992