Division of Surveillance and Disease Control Logo

West Virginia Bureau for Public Health (BPH)

Division of
Surveillance & Disease Control

The Division of Surveillance and Disease Control tracks occurrences of diseases, provides preventive interventions, and educates the public on protecting themselves from diseases.

HIV Prevention Training Opportunity  |  EPI-LOG  |  AIDS Program  
Immunization Program
  |  Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program  
Needlestick Program
  |   Cancer Annual Report  
WVEDSS West Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System  
Division Programs
  |  Division Phone Directory  | 
Division Address


DSDC's Quarterly
Public Health Newsletter

3rd Quarter 2004
Now Available

The West Virginia EPI-LOG is published quarterly by the Division of Surveillance and Disease Control. It contains information relevant to all programs within the Division and is distributed to such interested parties as West Virginia primary care providers, infection control professionals, local health departments, school nurses, pharmacists, and other state health departments. The link at the left contains issues beginning First Quarter 2001 and an index of articles found in each issue. (Adobe Acrocat Reader 3 or greater is required to view the PDF files.)

HIV Counseling Course On-Line Registration

Division Programs

AIDS/HIV & STD Program
(304) 558-2195
(304) 558-2950
(800) 642-8244

HIV/AIDS CONTENT NOTICE. Maintains a statewide active surveillance system to detect and report HIV infection and AIDS cases. Provides HIV/AIDS prevention education opportunities to service providers and people at risk. Provides HIV counseling and testing, health care, and support. Annually updates the West Virginia HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic Profile. Follow the link at the left for more information about the West Virginia AIDS Program.  The STD Program supports disease detection, treatment, and prevention activities through clinical services, surveillance, confidential investigation and consultation, and public education.

Cancer Registry
(304) 558-6421
(800) 423-1271

Conducts active surveillance to identify all cancer cases among West Virginians, distributes statistical information, and conducts public education. Click here to view Cancer in West Virginia, Incidence and Mortality, 1993 - 2001. (Adobe Acrobat Reader 3 or greater is required to view this publication.)

Hemophilia Program
(304) 558-6466
(800) 642-3634

Provides data on the occurrence of inherited coagulation factor disorders, distributes blood products for home therapy, and supports three Hemophilia Treatment Centers to manage hemophilia care.

Immunization Program
(304) 558-2188
(800) 642-3634

Works to prevent and control vaccine preventable diseases by providing appropriate vaccines, technical assistance, and public education. Follow the link at the left for more information about the West Virginia Immunization Program.

Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program
(304) 558-5358
(800) 423-1271

Manages potential communicable disease threats to the public's health through provision of technical assistance, investigations, education, and prevention programs. Also maintains the state reportable disease data system. Follow the link at the left for more information about the West Virginia Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program.

Needlestick Injury
Prevention Program

(304) 558-2195
(800) 642-8244

Works with hospitals, local health departments, and nursing homes to prevent the increase of needlestick injuries in West Virginia.

Tuberculosis Control
(304) 558-3669
(800) 330-8126

Provides, through and in cooperation with the fifty-five (55) county health departments, disease control and elimination services statewide.

West Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System

(304) 558-5358
(304) 558-6463

WVEDSS is the State of West Virginia's response to the NEDSS (National Electronic Disease Surveillance System) initiative. Still in the planning stages, this system will dramatically enhance disease surveillance, detection and response activities in West Virginia and minimize or eliminate the delays inherent in current paper-based systems.  Although WVEDSS will eventually support all disease surveillance in West Virginia, it will initially focus on infectious, reportable diseases.

West Virginia Bureau for Public Health
Division of Surveillance & Disease Control

Room 125, 350 Capitol Street
Charleston, WV 25301-3715
(304) 558-5358
(800) 423-1271

State of West Virginia (WV) 
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR)
Bureau for Public Health (BPH)
Office of Epidemiology and Health Promotion (OEHP)

This page was last updated 08/06/04
If you have questions or comments about the West Virginia Division of Surveillance and Disease Control, please direct them to Loretta Haddy at Loretta.E.Haddy@wv.gov.  If you have questions or comments about this Web page, please direct them to Betty Jo Tyler at Betty.J.Tyler@wv.gov.