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West Virginia Physical Activity


Walk Across WV

Hills Creek Falls

A stroll along Hills Creek will provide relaxation, beauty, and exercise.

Walkable Communities Page

Eighth Street in Dunbar, West Virginia

Eighth Street in Dunbar, West Virginia has many of the components that make a walkable community. For one, it has sidewalks! These are even separated from the street, which gives pedestrians an extra feeling of safety and comfort. It has on street parking, which has a "traffic calming" effect. Only one vehicle can pass at a time where vehicles are parked. Drivers go slowly, not because a sign tells them they should not exceed a certain speed, but because the street conditions dictate that they do. From Eighth Street, you can walk to a grade school, large grocery store, drug store, department store, one restaurant, three fast food places, shoe store, and more without crossing a major vehicular thorofare.

Below are some sites that provide information on walkable communities.

Governors - New Community Design Report
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

Walkable Communities, Inc. - National consultant Dan Burden's web site.

Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development

How Land Use and Transportation Systems Impact Public Health - A CDC report on how urban design affects our physical activity levels.

Presentation on rethinking neighborhood design/zoning.

Smart Communities Network

Promoting physical activity in youth publications.

Victoria Transport Policy Institute

Trails and Greenways Clearing House

The above links are provided as a service. Inclusion on this page does not constitute an endorsement of the page's content. Viewers must use their own judgment as to the validity and appropriateness of the content.

This page was last updated 03/2010.
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