Community Initiative Grants for Youth
205 New River Drive, Beckley WV  25901
304-256-4712 - 800-766-7372

Award Summary for July 1, 1994 - June 30, 1995

Abuse Prevention - $750.00
Monies helped to develop an abuse prevention educational program to present to children and youth. The grant was submitted by REACHH, an outreach project of the Women’s Resource Center (a domestic violence prevention project) in Summers County. Their targeted groups for abuse prevention information include Headstart, public schools, Summers County Boys and Girls Club, Girl Scouts and Day Camps.
Contact: Peggy Rossi (466-4659)
Summers County

STARS (Students Take Action Reading Stories) - $849.00
Based on their successful program last year, monies will help continue this after school reading program for Third Grade students at Straley Elementary School and start a Fourth Grade program. Students meet one hour after school once a week during the school year. Activities include guest speakers, discussion on books, journal writing, a community project for the local rehabilitation center, etc.
Contact: Sandra Gay (425-3173)
Mercer County

Summers County Recreation Program - $500.00
The Brothers United Community Society (BUCS) sponsored a holiday dance party with a "live band in Summers County. Adult volunteers helped, refreshments were served and the band gave a "mini-lesson" on each of the instruments. The BUCS seek to provide recreational and educational awareness to the youth in their community.
Contact: T. R. Johnson, III (466-5975)
Summers County

Teen MOM (MOMS of Mercer) - $1,000
This mini-grant was used to buy educational/visual aids for a program that grew out of the needs of teen parents in the Mercer County area. The goal of the Teen MOM program is to encourage teen parents through education, communication, sharing and group support.
Contact: Sherry Cook (253-4293)
Mercer County

"A Future for Me" Career Education Program - $727.30
Monies were used to enhance a career education program for junior high school students in Mercer County. Most of the mini-grant awards was used to pay for two field trips to actual career settings as a way to provide a "hands-on" approach to exploring careers.
Contact: Jack Richmond (854-1151)
Raleigh County

Conflict Resolution/Peer Mediation - $705.90
Funding was used for a teacher training on how to instruct students in peer mediation. This two-day training was offered to all teachers at Marsh Fork High School. Monies also paid for Program Guides and Student Manuals.
Contact: Jack Richmond (854-1151)
Raleigh County

Coal Jam 1994-95 - $700.00
A mini-grant was used to purchase a video camera, tripod and video tapes for use by students at Marsh Fork Middle School. Students use the equipment during Student Advisory Class to prepare a daily program on current and "relevant" events and it is broadcast to students in the school. Student creativity is encouraged and the class has experimented with many ideas including a quiz show.
Contact: Kris Hudnall (845-1951)
Raleigh County

Enhancing Self-Esteem and Respect for Others Through Multi-Cultural Awareness - $1,000
This wonderful and creative program for third and fourth graders at Athens School continues to grow and evolve. This year, monies awarded will go toward purchasing educational supplies and equipment that can be used every year to enhance this multi-cultural program. The goal of the program is to provide students with experiences that will increase their appreciation of many cultures and celebrate diversity.
Contact: Nancy Aldridge (384-9229)
Mercer County

Power Hour: Homework Assistance Program - $1,000
Monies were used to help fund an after school homework help program using high school and college tutors. Power Hour is an education enrichment program used in Girl’s and Boy’s Clubs nationwide. The Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Summers County requested the funds to make this drop-in service available to help every interested student.
Contact: Chris Hopkins (466-2500)
Summers County

Clay in the Classroom Project - $1,000
The mini-grant was used to purchase materials and pay an artist to work with the art teacher at Summers County Middle School creating a 6-week class in clay. Approximately 100 students grades 5-8 -participated in the class. The culmination of this project resulted in a mural for the new Middle School. This project was sponsored in conjunction with the Carnegie Hall arts in the school’s program.
Contact: Diana Hunt (466-2090)
Summers County

Self-Esteem in Art - $1,000
Students in elementary and middle school in Monroe County participated in basket weaving workshops. Working with the teachers, the artist helped develop learning projects around the "art of basket making." Their completed projects will be displayed in the Monroe County Library in Peterstown. This Project was sponsored in conjunction wit the Carnegie Hall arts in the school program.
Contact: Sherry Benson (466-1034)
Monroe County

Muster Project: Summer Program - $1,000
Monies will be used to take boys and girls involved in the Muster Project to the Cultural Center in Ohio of Pennsylvania, take youth on a camping/fishing trip and send six boys to Camp Washington-Carver this summer.
Contact: Lee Leftwich (253-8506)
Raleigh County

Muster Project Tutorial Project - $1,000
This mini-grant will help support the very successful tutoring program started in February 1995 Current enrollment for this after school program in two locations is fifty students. Parent support and participation is an important part of the Tutorial Program, and Summer Academies for children will be held this year.
Contact: Lee Leftwich (253-8506)
Raleigh County

Learning Day Camp - $1,000
Funds will be used to help run two one-week day camps at the Appalachian South Folk Life Center in Summers County. The purpose of the camp is to improve academic skills of 40 at-risk youth, to enhance appreciation of Appalachian culture, involve youth counselors, provide nutritious meals, raise self-esteem, make learning fun and take students on field trips.
Contact: Margaret Persinger (384-5037)
Jeanette Justice (384-9249)
Summers County

SEN Raptor Center Work Weekend - $665.48
This mini-grant was used to sponsor the second annual Student Environmental Network Work Weekend at the Raptor Center in Summers County on May 12-14th. Between 40 and 50 people camped at the Raptor Center two nights, built an amphitheater stage, cleared brush and erected bird cages.
Contact: Janet Williams (589-5057)
Summers County

Books for Students - $170.00
Monies will be used to help pay for a book for every child at Bluewell Elementary School. Students will have an opportunity to choose a book as part of the Bluewell Elementary Parent-Student Activity Day.
Contact: Janet Williams (589-5057)
Mercer County

Bradley Enrichment Activity Time (BEAT) - $998.02
The mini-grant will help pay for this after school program for the second year. Because of the success of last year’s program BEAT will be expanded this year to include more students. Approximately 150 students will participate in dance, drama/puppetry and art classes. Classes are taught by high school students with an adult aide.
Contact: Mavis McCollam (256-4605)
Raleigh County

EFNEO/WIC Pregnant Teen Project - $983.10
Monies bought educational materials for distribution to teens involved in the pregnant and parenting a teen program sponsored by the WVU Extension Service. The two Outreach Workers in Raleigh and Mercer counties estimate they will provide personal support and information to 50 pregnant and/or parenting teens this year.
Contact: Judith Bragg (255-9321)
Raleigh/Mercer County

Summers County Recreation Program - $1,000
The mini-grant will help pay for Summer youth activities sponsored by he Brother United Community Society, Inc. in Hinton. Activities include a fishing derby, a trip to the Science Center WV, attending an outdoor drama in Beckley, a community picnic, a visit to the Youth Museum and New River Park, a raft trip and cook-out and excursions to area state parks.
Contact: Ted Johnson (466-5975)
Summers County

Folklife Teen WorkDay - $1,000
The Youth Advisory Board for the Appalachian South Folklife Center (AFLC) is organizing a work day for up to 50 teens on June 10th. The work crew will be supervised and will "spruce up" buildings on the grounds of the center Workers will also attend a presentation on the history of the AFLC, a demonstration in black smithing and an evening dance.
Contact: Kristal Straub (466-0626)
Summers County

\Raleigh County Transition Camp Staff - $1,000
Monies will be used to pay a stipend to teenagers working as camp counselors at the two one-week residential learning camps for "at-risk" Raleigh County youth. Approximately 100 students will participate in the summer camp experience.
Contact: Dewayne McGrady (255-9321)
Raleigh County

Adventure Camp - $1,000
This award will help pay for an Adventure Camp for at-risk middle scholars in August. Monies will pay for supplies and stipends for high school and college staff. The camp will help develop teamwork, trust and other leadership skills among participants. The program will also include recreational and social activities.
Contact: Chris Hopkins (466-2500)
Summers County

Voices from the Mountains II (Creative Writing Wksp) - $1,000
Workshops this year will be held at the Summers County Boy’s and Girl’s Club three times a week from June 20 through August 15th. The three fundamental goals of this creative writing program are (1) to show students how they can use writing as an effective tool to learn about their own identities and achieve a "writer’s voice", (2) to place special emphasis on reaching black students and (3) to set up the workshop so that it will be available to the maximum number of students.
Contact: Jason Gill (466-2500)
Summers County

Monroe County Inter-Generational Project - $1,000

Monies will be used to offer youth experiences in relating with elders and capturing their stories on audio and film. Youth will attend training and practice sessions during the Monroe County 4-H residence camp in July and will put together a mini-slide show. In the Fall the group will be trained in the "Walk-in-My-Shoes" elder sensitivity project. A slide show will be developed of elder stories and will be shared with groups in Monroe County.
Contact: Helen Graves (772-3003)
Monroe County


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