Population | Births | Deaths | Marriages | Divorces | County Data | Table of Contents | Summary |

Selected Factors by Race of Mother
West Virginia Resident Births, 2004
Table 14

Factor White Black Other Total
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 19,982 95.6 661 3.2 268 1.3 20,911 100.0

Low Birthweight
     Total Low Birthweight 1,841 9.2 94 14.2 15 5.6 1,950 9.3

Maternal Age
     Mother's < 20 Years 2,343 11.7 124 18.8 22 8.2 2,489 11.9
     Mother's < 15 Years 25 0.1 2 0.3 1 0.4 28 0.1

Births with Known
Prenatal Care
     First Trimester 16,608 86.3 470 76.3 189 82.2 17,267 86.0
     Second Trimester 2,229 11.6 114 18.5 37 16.1 2,380 11.9
     Third Trimester 278 1.4 18 2.9 4 1.7 300 1.5
     No Prenatal Care 123 0.6 14 2.3 0 0.0 137 0.7

Gestational Age
     < 37 Weeks 2,461 12.3 93 14.1 23 8.6 2,577 12.3
     37+ Weeks 17,489 87.5 566 85.6 219 81.7 18,274 87.4
     Unknown 32 0.2 2 0.3 26 9.7 60 0.3
Factor Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
White Black Other Total

This Table extracted from the West Virginia Vital Statistics 2004 Annual Report

Last updated April 13, 2006.

If you have further questions about West Virginia Vital Statistics data, contact the Health Statistics Center at:
Phone: 304-558-9100 or Email:dhhrvitalreg@wv.gov