Table of Contents | Summary | Population | Births | Deaths | Marriages | Divorces | County Data Tables extracted from the 1999 West Virginia Vital Statistics Annual Report

Number of Deaths by County of Residence
West Virginia, 1995-1999
Table 27

County 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 County 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Barbour 183 172 209 205 201 Monongalia 567 606 582 632 623
Berkeley 558 587 645 611 620 Monroe 118 147 141 140 157
Boone 272 282 278 326 298 Morgan 164 159 149 169 143
Braxton 156 154 184 160 150 Nicholas 276 304 268 312 301
Brooke 293 284 322 338 323 Ohio 683 607 690 622 678
Cabell 1,176 1,136 1,271 1,249 1,220 Pendleton 99 97 106 101 90
Calhoun 94 98 82 87 106 Pleasants 87 75 83 69 100
Clay 114 115 130 120 128 Pocahontas 116 117 104 111 100
Doddridge 88 88 68 93 81 Preston 316 307 314 297 355
Fayette 670 611 643 644 575 Putnam 382 448 427 417 436
Gilmer 72 96 89 79 107 Raleigh 984 906 870 922 872
Grant 124 100 115 107 129 Randolph 320 309 332 328 341
Greenbrier 471 459 445 460 436 Ritchie 116 153 130 119 157
Hampshire 193 191 194 189 189 Roane 171 198 198 164 168
Hancock 392 379 381 392 379 Summers 200 180 191 175 211
Hardy 104 139 131 129 147 Taylor 186 173 194 180 174
Harrison 858 893 907 902 903 Tucker 82 72 100 100 97
Jackson 290 294 272 277 321 Tyler 108 131 105 121 123
Jefferson 300 312 329 364 371 Upshur 250 266 269 247 288
Kanawha 2,325 2,435 2,452 2,555 2,518 Wayne 439 441 437 432 453
Lewis 214 251 216 232 217 Webster 113 117 125 114 115
Lincoln 213 232 272 237 237 Wetzel 251 203 220 216 228
Logan 453 452 453 506 508 Wirt 49 60 57 63 40
McDowell 449 428 419 397 407 Wood 939 910 1,026 950 1,011
Marion 698 692 723 708 700 Wyoming 287 269 275 299 290
Marshall 385 421 413 410 411
Mason 317 321 305 282 323
Mercer 760 814 830 769 864 Total 20,128 20,314 20,872 20,764 20,993
Mineral 284 288 330 299 256
Mingo 319 335 371 337 317
County 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 County 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Last updated March 28, 2001.

If you have further questions about West Virginia vital statistics data, you may contact the Health Statistics Center at:
Phone: 304-558-9100