Page 2 - Procedural_Safeguards_PartCregs
P. 2

Dear Family,

                               Welcome to West Virginia Birth to Three!

                               You  are  receiving  this  booklet  because  you  have  been
                               referred  to  or  are  receiving  West  Virginia  Birth  to  Three
                               (WVBTT)  services.    WVBTT  services  are  provided  under
                               federal  law,  Part  C  of  the  Individuals  with  Disabilities
                               Education  Act  (IDEA),  that  covers  services  for  infants  and
                               toddlers  with  disabilities  or  developmental  delays  and
                               includes  certain  rights for families  of  these  children.  These
                               rights  are  referred  to  as  procedural  safeguards  and  begin
                               when a child is referred to WVBTT.

                               The purpose of early intervention is to provide each family of
                               an  infant  or  toddler  receiving  WVBTT  services  with
                               information  to  make  decisions  about  how  to  best  support
                               their  child’s  development.  Procedural  safeguards  help  to
                               assure that services and supports are provided in a way that
                               meets the unique needs of your child and family.

                               There will be times throughout your participation in WVBTT
                               when your service coordinator will give you a copy of these
                               procedural safeguards and review them with you.  You can
                               also ask for a copy at any time.

                               It  is  important to  us  that  you  understand  your  rights.   This
                               booklet includes a general version of your rights, definitions
                               of  terms  from  Part  C  of  IDEA,  and  more  specific  details
                               about your procedural safeguards.  Because this booklet is
                               an official notice of your rights under federal law, we have to
                               use some words from the law that might not be familiar to
                               you.    If  you  need  help  understanding  any  part  of  this
                               information,  please  feel  free  to  talk  with  your  early
                               intervention team, the WVBTT State Office, or an advocacy
                               group such as West Virginia Parent Training and Information
                               Center.    Contact  numbers  are  listed  in  the  back  of  this
                               booklet.  We  want  to  be  sure  that  WVBTT  services  are
                               meeting your family’s needs.

                               Pamela Roush

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