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West Virginia Breast and Cervical

Cancer Screening Program



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Early Detection is the Best Protection!


The Impact of Breast and Cervical Cancer


In 2007, the American Cancer Society estimates that in the United States, 178,480 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and 40,460 women will die from the disease. During the same time period, 11,150 U.S. women will be diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer and 3,670 will die.


In West Virginia, the West Virginia Cancer Registry noted that from 1999-2003, breast cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer among West Virginia women and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among West Virginia women aged 25 to 44 years. During the same time period, cervical cancer was the tenth most commonly diagnosed cancer among West Virginia women (third among women aged 25-44 years) and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women 25-44 years.


Currently, mammography is the best method for early detection of breast cancer. Early detection not only increases a woman’s chance of survival, but also increases her treatment options. In terms of cervical cancer detection, research shows that if routine cervical screening (such as Pap tests) is followed, most cases of cervical cancer can be prevented.


Program Goals:



To ensure access to breast and cervical cancer screening services for all women who meet income, age and medical eligibility guidelines with an emphasis on older, minority and never or rarely screened women.


To ensure that all women screened by the WVBCCSP receive appropriate and timely follow-up, diagnosis, treatment, and case management.


To broaden statewide public education to promote breast and cervical cancer screening in West Virginia, with an emphasis on reducing morbidity and mortality from breast and cervical cancer by reaching target populations.


To determine the educational needs of health professionals involved with breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnosis.


To offer educational opportunities to health professionals involved with breast and cervical cancer screening.


To monitor and assess trends in breast and cervical cancer incidence, mortality and screening rates for West Virginia women in order to develop effective health promotion strategies.


To establish linkages and partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders to bring additional resources to the WVBCCSP.


To maintain and establish mechanisms through which the state can enhance quality assurance monitoring of screening procedures for breast and cervical cancer.


To provide access to full Medicaid benefits to women under age 65, with no credible insurance coverage, who are identified through the WVBCCSP and are in need of treatment for breast and cervical cancer or certain pre-cancerous conditions.


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West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program,  350 Capitol St. Room 427,  Charleston, WV 25301

304.558.5388 or 1.800.642.8522