What is Right From The Start?
Right From The Start (RFTS) is a statewide program that helps West Virginia mothers and their babies lead healthier lives by offering home visitation services with a Designated Care Coordinator (registered nurse or licensed social worker) |
Our services are FREE and support mothers, their new babies and their families by helping create a safe, nurturing home. Our Designated Care Coordinators discuss any questions and concerns you may have and help you find the resources you need. |
How Do I Become Part of the Program?
To be eligible for Right From The Start, you need to:
Be pregnant or have a child less than one year old; |
Be a resident of West Virginia; and |
Have a current, active Medicaid Card or medical coverage through the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health (OMCFH). |
All pregnant teens aged 19 or younger are eligible for medical coverage through the OMCFH regardless of family income if they are uninsured for maternity care.
If you were denied Medicaid and you are uninsured for maternity care, DHHR will forward your application to the OMCFH to see if you qualify for prenatal coverage with the Right From The Start Maternity Services Project.
To see if you are Medicaid eligible, you can apply for the Medicaid by:
Getting an application from your local DHHR office or online at www.dhhr.wv.gov/bms; and |
Submitting the completed form to your county DHHR office. |