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Office of Maternal Child and Family Health (OMCFH)

The mission of the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health is to provide leadership to support state and community efforts to build systems of care that assure the health and well-being of all West Virginians.

Birth Score

The identification of infants who are at greatest risk for health and developmental problems, and ensuring that these children have access to appropriate health and special care systems, are ongoing concerns for state health officials. In this regard, the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, Office of Maternal, Child, and Family Health and the West Virginia University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics have worked collaboratively to develop the Birth Score-Developmental Risk Screen and Newborn Hearing Screen initiatives. This partnership has not only expanded the state’s capacity to meet its federally required "child find" responsibilities, but it has also made a significant contribution to the reduction of mortality among West Virginia infants who are one month to one year of age.

Birth to Three

Brought to you by the West Virginia Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council and WV Birth to Three in the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, Bureau for Public Health, Department of Health and Human Resources (designated lead agency for Part C of IDEA).


Children with Special Health Care Needs

Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) is the program in the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health (OMCFH) responsible for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of children with chronic, disabling medical conditions. Funding for the program is provided by the state and federal governments.

Bureau for Public Health, Division of Surveillance and Disease Control, Immunization Program.

The Division of Surveillance and Disease Control tracks occurrences of diseases, provides preventive interventions, and educates the public on protecting themselves from diseases.


The goal of the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM - pronounced "en-cham") at Utah State University is to ensure that all infants (newborns) and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational, and medical intervention. Learn more about us.

West Virginia Hands and Voices WV Hands & Voices is dedicated to the non-biased support of families who have children who are deaf or hard of hearing without bias toward communication modality or methodology. We strive to provide activities and information statewide to parents and professionals that may include outreach events, educational seminars, advocacy support, and parent-to-parent networking. We believe families will make the best choices for their child if they have access to good information and support.



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