Covered Expenses

There are specific parameters for distribution of funds from the Catastrophic Illness Commission. A few examples of covered expenses are:

  • Proven and accepted medical procedures and treatments
  • Transportation for the approved medical procedure to medical facilities for patient and one family member
  • Medication that prevents rejection and/or reoccurrence of life threatening illness

Non-Covered Expenses

There are specific expenses that are not covered by the Catastrophic Illness Commission. A few examples are:

  • Maintenance for acute prescriptions
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Medical bills and related expenses incurred more than 30 days before application
  • Experimental treatments, procedures or therapies
  • Home remodeling or modifications

Examples of Assistance

Paid Medicaid rate for medical treatment

  • 64 year old female with colorectal cancer
  • 52 year old male colon cancer patient who lost his insurance after losing his job due to cancer, covered 3 weeks until he was covered under his wife’s insurance.
  • 31 year old female with heart disease
  • 64 year old female with fallopian/uterine cancer

Paid transportation related expenses

  • 4 year old male undergoing a bone marrow transplant, covered parent’s lodging and meals out of state
  • 49 year old female lymphoma patient undergoing a bone marrow transplant, provided lodging post-surgery

The JTMCIC has assisted over 1,700 individuals since 2000 -- also connecting clients to assistance by partnering with other entities and by providing referral assistance information, such as co-pay assistance nonprofit organizations on the Web and various local health providers.