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Lincoln County

Selected Causes of Deaths, 1986 - 1995

Number of Deaths
Causes of Death
Number of Deaths
County Crude Rate
County Adjusted Rate***
U.S. Crude Rate
Percent Differnce
From U.S


Total Deaths, All Causes 2,148 1,004.6 1,003.6 863.8 16.2 * 10
Diseases of the Heart 800 374.1 374.2 289.5 29.3 * 8
Malignant Neoplasms 517 241.8 233.2 203.2 14.8 * 8
Lung 186 87.0 81.9 56.8 44.3 * 6
Colon 39 18.2 17.9 19.6 -8.8 44
Breast 40 36.8 38.5 34.0 13.3 3
All Other Malignant Neoplasms 252 117.9 113.8 109.3 4.1 18
Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke) 123 57.5 58.9 57.9 1.7 28
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 98 45.8 44.9 34.9 28.7 * 26
Pneumonia and Influenza 70 32.7 33.8 32.0 5.6 22
Unintentional Injuries 122 57.1 57.4 37.0 55.2 * 20
Motor Vehicle 72 33.7 33.4 18.8 77.7 * 16
Non-Motor Vehicle 50 23.4 24.0 18.2 31.9 25
Intentional Injuries 57 26.7 26.4 22.5 17.5 11
Suicide 39 18.2 17.8 12.4 43.8 9
Homicide and Legal Intervention 18 8.4 8.6 9.9 ** ** 16
All Other Causes of Death 361 168.8 174.7 187.0 -6.6 39

* An asterick (*) indicates a statistically significant difference from the U.S. rate.
** Number is too small for a valid comparison.
*** Adjusted rates are adjusted by age and sex to the 1990 U.S. population distribution.
Note: All rates are per 100,000 population.

Health Statistics Center
Office of Epidemiology and Health Promotion
West Virginia Bureau for Public Health Comments

See Introduction for explanation of tables.

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Last updated 08/06/97.