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Kanawha County

Population by Age, Sex, and Race (1990 Census)
Category Age Group
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+ Total
Males 5,560 6,116 6,898 6,457 5,377 13,997 14,663 10,197 9,426 7,791 3,514 707 90,703
Females 5,343 5,560 6,330 6,034 5,774 15,332 15,550 11,079 11,568 10,581 6,140 2,025 101,316
Both Sexes 10,903 11,676 13,228 12,491 11,151 29,329 30,213 21,276 20,994 18,372 9,654 2,732 192,019
Percent of Age Group 89.3 90.2 90.6 89.4 90.2 92.1 92.8 94.4 95.3 94.9 94.1 93.1 92.5
Males 586 577 574 619 520 1,028 929 479 358 400 200 64 6,334
Females 551 523 607 672 584 1,231 1,070 558 588 553 386 135 7,458
Both Sexes 1,137 1,100 1,181 1,291 1,104 2,259 1,999 1,037 946 953 586 199 13,792
Percent of Age Group 9.3 8.5 8.1 9.2 8.9 7.1 6.1 4.6 4.3 4.9 5.7 6.8 6.6
Other Races
Males 77 87 95 98 55 99 153 133 49 20 7 1 874
Females 86 86 103 95 47 143 192 94 50 22 13 3 934
Both Sexes 163 173 198 193 102 242 345 227 99 42 20 4 1,808
Percent of Age Group 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.9
All Races
Males 6,223 6,780 7,567 7,174 5,952 15,124 15,745 10,809 9,833 8,211 3,721 772 97,911
Females 5,980 6,169 7,040 6,801 6,405 16,706 16,812 11,731 12,206 11,156 6,539 2,163 109,708
Both Sexes 12,203 12,949 14,607 13,975 12,357 31,830 32,557 22,540 22,039 19,367 10,260 2,935 207,619
Percent of Total 5.9 6.2 7.0 6.7 6.0 15.3 15.7 10.9 10.6 9.3 4.9 1.4 100.0

Health Statistics Center
Office of Epidemiology and Health Promotion
West Virginia Bureau for Public Health Comments

See Introduction for explanation of tables.

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Last updated 08/06/97.