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1993 Hampshire County Behavioral Prevalences

Compared to 1988 Hampshire County and Estimated 1993 U.S. Prevalences

Category 1988
County Percent
County Percent
SI* 1993
U.S. Percent
% Differnce
1993 County
From 1993 U.S
SI* County
Sedentary Lifestyle 75.1 73.4 57.7 27.2 * 10
Obesity 29.7 42.1 30.3 38.9 * 2
Hypertension 28.3 24.2 21.5 12.5 23
Seatbelt Nonuse 44.9 25.7 * 17.8 44.6 * 18
Cigarette Smoking 29.1 27.8 22.1 25.7 13
Smokeless Tobacco Use 4.2 9.2 ** 2.8 ** ** 18
Binge Drinking 10.1 8.6 ** 14.8 ** ** 12
No Health Insurance, Ages 18-64 N.A. 18.3 N.A. 16.3 12.2 28
Difficulty Seeing Dr. Because of Cost N.A. 18.2 N.A. 13.2 37.8 13

* An asterick (*) indicates a statistically significant difference from the U.S. rate.
** Number is too small for a valid comparison.
N.A. = Not Available.
Note: 1988 represents aggregated data from 1986-91;
1993 represents aggregated data from 1991-95.
Note: The U.S. percent for sedentary lifestyle is for 1992 due to lack of data for 1993.
Note: West Virginia's seatbelt use law went into effect on September 1, 1993.
Note: The range for county ranks in this column is 1 to 36.
Note: Two or more counties were grouped together to obtain an appropriate sample size.

Health Statistics Center
Office of Epidemiology and Health Promotion
West Virginia Bureau for Public Health Comments

See Introduction for explanation of tables.

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Last updated 08/06/97.