
Executive Summary

Section One

Section Two

Section Three


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C




Facts, Figures, Guidelines

Listing of Graphs

The following table contains links to all the graphs that are presented in the publication. Explanations of the graphs are contained in the text of the publication. If you are wanting to view more than one graph at a time, you may right click with you mouse and open in a new window. Shrink the windows down to the size of the graph, so more than one window/graph may be displayed on your screen at one time.

Growth Rate Chart for Boys 2 to 20 Years


Growth Rate Chart for Girls 2 to 20 Years 2
Figure 1 Prevalence of Obesity (BMI 30+) West Virginia and United States, 1990-2000 2
Figure 2 Prevalence of Obesity by County, West Virginia BRFSS, 1990-1994 and 1995-1999 2
Figure 3a Weight Category Prevalences, WVBRFSS, 1987-2000 (3-Year Moving Averages), Underweight 2
Figure 3b Weight Category Prevalences, WVBRFSS, 1987-2000 (3-Year Moving Averages), Healthy Weight 2
Figure 3c Weight Category Prevalences, WVBRFSS, 1987-2000 (3-Year Moving Averages), Overweight 2
Figure 3d Weight Category Prevalences, WVBRFSS, 1987-2000 (3-Year Moving Averages), Obese 2
Figure 4 Prevalence of Weight Categories by Sex, WVBRFSS, 1996-2000 2
Figure 5 Weight Categories by Age Group, WVBRFSS, 1966-2000 2
Figure 6 Weight Categories by Race, WVBRFSS, 1996-2000 2
Figure 7 Weight Categories by Years of Education, WVBRFSS, 1996-2000 2
Figure 8 Weight Categories by Household Income, WVBRFSS, 1996-2000 2
Figure 9 Self-Reported Health Status by Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 2000 2
Figure 10 Prevalence of Respondents Lacking Health Insurance by Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 2000 2
Figure 11 Prevalence of Respondents Who Have Had a Heart Attack, By Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 2000 2
Figure 12 Prevalence of Hypertension by Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 1999 2
Figure 13 Prevalence of Diabetes by Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 1996-2000 2
Figure 14 Prevalence of Asthma by Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 2000 2
Figure 15 Prevalence of Activity Limitation due to Back Pain By Weight category, WVBRFSS, 2000 2
Figure 16 Prevalence of Seatbelt Nonuse by Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 1999 2
Figure 17 Prevalence of Respondents Advised to Lose Weight and Now Trying to Lose Weight, by Weight Categories, WVBRFSS, 2000 2
Figure 18 Prevalence of Respondents Eating Less or Moving More to Lose Weight by Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 2000 2
Figure 19 Prevalence of Adults Meeting the 5-a-Day Recommendation By Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 2000 2
Figure 20 Prevalence of Physical Inactivity by Weight Category, WVBRFSS, 2000 2
Figure 21 Obesity and Multiple Risk Factors, WVBRFSS 2000 2
Figure 22 Physical Activity and TV Watching among High School Students, 1999 YRBS, United States and West Virginia 2
Figure 23 Physical Education Class and Sports Team Participation, 1999 YRBS, United States and West Virginia 2
Graphic displaying the public health "Policy and Environmental Model" 3

If you have questions concerning sections one and two of this report, contact the West Virginia Health Statistic Center (HSC) at (304) 558-9100 or
If you have questions concerning secton three of this report, contact the Division of Health Promotion at (304) 558-0644.