In addition to these pivotal changes to bodies, young people will notice other physical changes, such as activation of oil and sweat glands that may result in acne and/or body odor. Boys and girls need to bathe more frequently, use deodorant, and cleanse their faces and hands more carefully.

Furthermore, adolescents face new feelings. The exciting and pleasant as well as distressing or confusing feelings that boys and girls experience during puberty are normal. They are caused by the same hormones that produce all the physical changes accompanying puberty. They are also caused by the fact that a boy's or girl's life is changing at the same time as his or her body. Change - new experiences, new responsibilities, new relationships - often causes us to feel anxious or uncomfortable.


1.Fantasies are prominent in the adolescent's sexual development.

2.While fantasies help prepare the adolescent for sexual activities, they tend to generate a mixture of pleasure and distress.

The changes, physical and emotional, will end. Physical awkwardness caused by uneven growth or adolescent acne will generally end when the body is completely grown. At the same time, most of the emotional confusion and distress will diminish as the child becomes an adult, and grows accustomed to his or her new and mature self.

Adapted from In Between: A Family Life Education Curriculum