West Virginia
County Health Profiles - 2004
This 2004 edition of the West
Virginia County Health Profiles updates the previous
editions published in 2000, 1997,
and 1992. The Bureau of Employment Programs also has county
profiles with a variety of county data.
Layout/Page Navigation: There are three basic page levels in
this web publication. In the first level are the pages that provide
links to the individual counties and West Virginia. Clicking on these
links takes you to the second level, which shows all the available tables
for a specific county or the state as a whole. You
may return to the first level (county listings) by clicking on the "List
of Counties"
link at the left hand portion of the header. The third level consists
of the pages with the specific information regarding the county or West
Virginia. From these pages you may return back to the list of tables
for the specific county or West Virginia by clicking the "Back to List
of Tables" in
the right hand portion of the header or return to the "List of Counties" by
clicking the link in the left hand portion of the header. We hope you
find the information you desire and your visit if beneficial.
Printing: Because of the mulitple columns in many of
the tables, it may be necessary to print them using "landscape"
rather then "portrait" orientation of the paper.
Presented by the Health Statistics Center under the auspices of:
Joe Manchin III
Martha Yeager Walker
Secretary, Department of Health and Human Resources
Chris Curtis, M.P.H.
Acting Commissioner, Bureau for Public Health
Catherine Slemp. M.D., M.P.H.
Acting State Health Officer
Joe Barker
Director, Office of Epidemiology and Health Promotion
Daniel M. Christy, Director
Health Statistics Center
Report Preparation:
Ray T. Light, Programmer
Joseph D. Kennedy, Programmer/Analyst
Eugenia Thoenen, Statistical Services Program Manager
Thomas N. Leonard, Programmer/Analyst
WEB Presentation:
Joseph D. Kennedy, Programmer/Analyst
Thomas N. Leonard, Programmer/Analyst
Dale A. Porter, Associate Director, OEHP