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External Links
National Center for Health Statistics, CDC
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, CDC
Vital Chek® Networks, Vital Records Expediting service
Presented here are a variety of sources related to epidemiology, statistics, and evaluation. Please contact us if you have a resource or link that you think should be added to this list.
General Health Data Resources- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System CDC
- CDC Wonder Access to data query systems for births deaths chronic and communicable diseases occupational and environmental health health prevention and injuries
- Chronic Disease Cost Calculator CDC
- Health Data Interactive CDC
- National Center for Health Statistics
- American Public Health Association
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
- National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems
- National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
- National Association of Health Data Organizations
- National Institutes of Health
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- World Health Organization
- Alzheimers Association
- Improving Oral Health for patients with Alzheimers disease or related disorders (ADRD)
- Mesothelioma Veterans Center
- State Cancer Profiles National Cancer Institute
- WV Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
- WV Cancer Registry
- WV Comprehensive Cancer Program
- Diabetes Cost Calculator for Employers
- Diabetes Data and Trends CDC
- WV Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
- Core Performance Measures for Steps to a Healthier US CDC
- Developing a Logic Model: Teaching and Training Guide University of Wisconsin-Extension
- Evaluation Briefs CDC
- Evaluation Handbook W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- Introduction to Program Evaluation for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs CDC
- Logic Model Development Guide W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook CDC
- Strategic Planning Kit for School Health Programs CDC
- Understanding Evaluation: The Way to Better Prevention Programs US Department of Education
- American Evaluation Association
- Basic Guide to Program Evaluation
- Coalitions Work
- Evaluation Framework CDC
- Evaluation Guides CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
- Evaluation Resources CDC Division of Adolescent and School Health
- Evaluation Toolkit W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- Evaluation Working Group, CDC
- Program Development and Evaluation, University of Wisconsin-Extension
- The Community Tool Box
- The Program Managers Guide to Evaluation, US Department of Health and Human Services
- Writing Good Goals and Smart Objectives, CDC
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, AHRQ
- National Health Care Surveys
- WV Hospital Discharge Query System, WV Health Care Authority
- Nutrition Data and Statistics, CDC
- Overweight and Obesity Trends, CDC
- Physical Activity Data and Statistics, CDC
- Poverty and High School Obesity – YRBS - USC Nursing
- WV Office of Healthy Lifestyles
- American Community Survey
- American FactFinder
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Population Estimates, US Census
- Tax Foundation
- U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- U.S. Census Bureau
- WorkForce West Virginia
- U.S. Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System, CDC
- WV Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
- SAS Customer Support Center
- Vital and Health Statistics Courses, National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems
- Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
- Global Tobacco Surveillance System, WHO
- National Youth Tobacco Survey NYTS, CDC
- Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Morbidity, and Economic Costs SAMMEC, CDC
- WV Division of Tobacco Prevention